15 ways to become happier

15 ways to become happier

It goes without saying that from time to time we feel physically and mentally exhausted. Here is a list of points that will definitely help you to become happier with no much effort from your side. You should not try to use all of them, just choose the ways you find the most appealing.

Choose what makes you feel happier

The more pleasant and happy moments you bring into your life, the better your general condition will be. This is why it is very important to fill your routine with many happy events that increase your level of stress resistance and help you overcome everyday life difficulties. A certain list of “happy things” is peculiar to every person, and no matter what exactly is included in yours, maybe even a slavic lovely girl’s. What’s really important is remembering to make these little choices every day – with your family, hobbies, work, etc.

Avoid negative-based activities

It turns out that snarky people do not feel better after attacking others. Moreover, they often evaluate themselves as miserable. Obviously, here we are talking about causative relations: if a person needs to humiliate others, presumably some cruel emotions are eating away at their soul. It may be a difficult life situation or a character trait, but a snark seems to bring no relief. That is why if you have such a need, it is better to eradicate it.

Decrease the amount of information

Modern people deal with a huge amount of information every day. Our brain is constantly “overeating,” let’s give it some rest. For example, let’s not use the processes that multiply the volume of information as a means for relaxation and rest (e.g., surfing a list of news on Facebook)

Communicate with animals

It is not a secret that pets make people feel happier. Pets can ease the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases and headache. Even if you cannot allow yourself a pet, there is a variety of places you can visit – zoos, parks, farms, shelters, friends’ pets, etc. What about hippo- or dolphin therapy? Give it a try!

Connect with others

No matter how you feel, good or bad, connect with others to share your feelings. To be with somebody, re-live something together is a unique healing experience. People do not necessarily have to be very close to each other (however, to some people, it is essential). Usually, it is enough if they are ready to connect with you and enter your spirit.

Hug and touch others

Physical touch is one of our first ways of communication with the world and our “secret weapon.” Researchers suggest that we initiate and accept from 5 to 10 hugs and touches per day in order to feel better. Of course, these rules work only for those who feel fine about touches in general (unfortunately, modern culture doesn’t approve of tactile contracts, so this point may be somewhat problematic). Touches and hugs decrease anxiety and stress through oxytocin production, improve heart health, help to send and receive emotional signals, etc.

Be grateful

Gratitude is a healing feeling. The moment we start noticing all those bright moments around us, life flourishes with new vibrant colors. Researches prove that regular reflection and expression of gratitude (no matter, to your cat or nice weather) make our health and mood better.

Listen to signals of your body and psyche

The human organism is a unique self-cleaning and self-replenishing system. It has many sensors that register harmful influence and many ways to send us a signal that something is to be changed. Unfortunately, we notice these signals too seldom since we are occupied by more important goals and tasks. So, this point is about intuition and attention to ourselves. Our organism is wise, many times a day it tries to rescue us. Let’s listen to it, at least sometimes.

Spend time in nature.

It is proven that observation of moving natural objects (trees’ boughs in wind, clouds, water) hypnotizes us slightly, which is useful to all systems of the organism and our psyche as well. Besides, contacting the ground has also a positive effect, so that people who have a garden or plants are less prone to stress. Clean fresh air, new impressions, and rest for the eyes are also advantages of spending time in nature.

Do exercise

When we are going in for sport, it doesn’t only help to keep us fit. Our organism releases endorphins that influence our mood and well-being. If your life pace does not let you take regular exercise, why not dance while listening to your favorite tracks?

Go for a walk

Most of us stay in closed space the whole day long. It is caused by a faster rhythm of life and usage of modern technologies and the Internet. That is why we need breaks that will be good for our physical and mental health.

The optimal time is 30-40 minutes per day.

Enjoy being alone

No, this recommendation is not for introverts only. It is proven that most people feel better just after 20-30 minutes of loneliness. It is especially relevant for those whose life is too busy due to work peculiarities, family structure, or other outer factors. It is very important to give yourself an opportunity to keep silent for a while and to be alone, not feeling abandoned but just taking a rest.

Let yourself feel

It is very convenient to control and repress our emotions, and many people use this method either consciously or subconsciously. But it is very harmful to our health since repressed feelings lead to psychosomatic illnesses. That is why we should learn to define and use our feelings. To men, this issue is particularly important since they are used to suffering in silence and consider showing emotions a weakness.

Decrease the number of energizers

Our pace of life is so quick that it seems impossible without alcohol, coffee, energetic drinks, and food rich in calories. However, these things are possible and even necessary to avoid because they have a shocking effect on our organism, which is harmful in a long-time perspective.

Try something new

It is not obligatory to overload your mind with a new foreign language or try some new food (although, this may be good, too). The point is that novelty stimulates “correct” brain activity which is vital to psychological well-being. Besides, it is proven that small but regular portions of new knowledge or experience help to prevent dementia. You can start learning new things that will be of practical use to you. For instance, read routine life hacks, try new ways to improve your sleeping process, cook new dishes, etc. 

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